We have proposed a theory of quasars ( 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1977 and 1978) based on sound physical principles, which does away with the artificial assumption of redshifts and provides satisfactory explanations of the various phenomena associated with quasars; according to our theory the quasars are a special type of stars. In the present paper we discuss the proper motions and distances of quasars (Irwin, 1975; Varshni, 1977) In the period, soon after the discovery of quasars, investigations on the proper motions of a total of 16 quasars were published. (Luyten, 1963; Jefferys, 1964; Luyten and Smith, 1966; and Sanders, 1966)

In a previous paper (Varshni, 1977) we have presented evidence which indicates that planetary nuclei and quasars are related objects. In the next section we estimate what sort of proper motions to expect for quasars if they are related to planetary nuclei. The third section deals with the proper motions of quasars. We have found that there are 30 quasars, in addition to those discussed by Luyten and Smith (1966) and Sanders (1966) for which proper motion data are available from existing measurements; data for the 30 quasars are discussed. Three of them are found to have large proper motions as compared to the proper motions of planetary nebulae. The possibility of using the equivalent widths of interstellar K and H lines as distance indicators of quasars is discussed in the last section, and the available information is summarized. Predictions concerning the proper motions of quasars and the observance of interstellar K line in their spectra are made in the conclusion section.

Next Section: Relation between planetary nuclei and quasars.